Counterfeit drugs pose a significant public health hazard. In the US alone, 36 million Americans purchased counterfeit drugs online in a single year. Over 30% of the medicines sold in Asia, Latin America, and Africa are counterfeit. We are aiming to help combat the counterfeit drugs problem and reduce the number that go unnoticed.
Counterfeit drugs feel like a hidden problem, but they are global issue that illegally rakes in over $200 billion annually while harming the health of millions of people.Our counterfeit drug detector utilizes image and text identification technologies to compare multi-spectrum images, identifying potentially counterfeit drugs, to save the health and lives of people.
10% of all drugs worldwide and approximately 1% of all drugs in developed countries are counterfeit.
Fake drugs are manufactured and packaged to look like legitimate brand-name medications but often contain little to none of the active ingredients listed on the label.
Besides taking income from consumers and drug companies, counterfeit drugs also pose health hazards to patients, including death.